Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Getting Older

One week from today and my oldest daughter will turn will turn I am waxing a little nostalgic. I cant believe how fast it went. It feels like only yesterday we were taking her to her first day of kindergarten. The backpack looked huge on her. She was so little, had a front tooth missing, and had that Dorothy Hamill haircut. As soon as we took her to her room she was ready for us to go! Of course at that time we lived in Salina, Kansas.....all of the teachers thought it was so cute that she had a southern drawl. They would ask her at recess just to say their names.....She was a busy little girl back then.....that hasn't changed. She has always been a social butterfly, making friends easily it seems. She has always had a big heart, empathetic for others. She sang in church the first time when she was three.....then grew up to be the worship leader for the youth. I was never more proud of her. Something about watching your child lead others to worship at the feet of the Master is so moving. Dont get me wrong, she dont flutter around on angel wings all day! She has had her moments.....once in 5th grade, she decided to just stand up and holler out "Hey, Hey, Hey, its FAAAAAAT Albert" after seeing the movie over the weekend. I had to remind her that it was not her job to provide the comic relief for the class. But, she has always been funny....I like to think that she gets that from me. She has done a lot of things in 18 years.....cheerleader, pageant queen, softball, competitive swim, wrote a proposal for Congress, made the honor roll, so many things, so many memories. I remember thinking she was a angel when we brought her from the hospital.....then when she developed colic, thinking I birthed and alien baby....those were the days of no sleep at night and sleep-walking through the day. She has turned into an awesome person, so warm, so caring, a natural leader,  so in love with her King. She is entering in a new phase of, driving, juggling a few more responsibilities now. Life is an adventure for her, always has been. I am glad I get to be along for the ride.......


  1. Beautiful Aunt Regina, made me cry, I know that Darcie will be there someday, made me cry even more! You have a Beautiful Daughter, inside and out! Love you guys!

  2. Thanks for letting me walk down memory lane with you and get to know more about the past. I am so tremendously blessed to know you, be a part of the family. I love all of you so much. I am crying because I am so richly blessed to be a part of something God created between all of us. Thanks for loving me and accepting us in as well.

  3. seems you have always been with us! I am glad you and Mike are a part of our family. I am glad that you guys pour into my kids lives and I love being on the journey with you!
