Tuesday, October 1, 2019

C'est la vie ...That's Life

Where are all my movie lovers? I am a move lover, y'all. I watch all kinds....old ones, new ones, and ones that I have seen hundreds of times. I think I passed this trait on to my son, my sailor. He is 22 now and it y'all it seems like yesterday he was just learning to walk. Now he is somewhere across the sea loving life and living his dream. He still loves movies and when he comes home on leave we usually have one day where lots of coffee is consumed is Netflix is running hot! 

If you looked at him or at our family, you would say we have a good life. We do....most days 😊I'm just like you. Life goes up and down. There are things I want to change. There are things I think are good. Things I want to keep.Sometimes during moments of little victories I think life is good. I never want this to change. Then, Wham! Out of the blue everything changes and I think this is horrible. Things need to change. 

Yesterday I posted a quote from one of my favorite movies. It  is from Tombstone when Doc Holliday says  "There is no normal life Wyatt, it's just life, now get on with it."

So many times we get caught up in thinking and then overthinking about our life being good or bad. What are we measuring our life against? Our neighbor? A movie? Our family members?  Who is telling us what is good or bad? Now I'm not referring to lives of abuse or neglect. If you are in that situation, my heart goes out to you and I urge you to seek help.  I am talking about our day to day lives.

You know that life, right? The one where get up, sleepy and yawning, stumbling toward the coffee pot. Waiting on that first sip to revive us and get us ready to face the day. The life where we go to our jobs or get ready to homeschool our kids and think we can't take one more minute of this mundane existence. It's the life where we come home every night, take the kids to their activities, get our dinner on the table (or in front of the TV), and go to bed at a set time to wake up and do it all again the next day.

We commiserate with our co-workers, family, and anyone else who will listen how bad it is that we have XYZ commitment to fulfill or how life is awful because we lived above our means yet one more time and we are suffering the consequences. We believe that life is bad. It is bad that we don't have this or the newest that. It's bad because the kids are sick, your spouse is sick, and two co-workers just called in sick for the rest of the week. We think has just fallen apart. This must be a bad life right?

We put these thoughts on ourselves. We ponder and give lots of time to making life better. A better job, a better __________ (fill in the blank). It causes so much stress and anxiety. We feel like we are in a constant mode of striving. It leaves us emotionally, mentally, and spiritually spent.

What does the scripture say? Did Jesus promise us a life of ease? A life without trials or struggles? He did not. He did promise that He would stay by our side, walk with us through those endless piles of laundry and ride with us as we taxi our kids to the latest sport of "interest." He said He would stay with you right through the messiest of days, or when your dog is sick with a terrible stomach thing-y and there is evidence of this on the carpet. 

He is not standing above saying, " oh look at Regina down there, I hope she drinks her second cup of coffee or she is going to just have an awful day." No my friend. He stands right beside me and says "that's it, you can make it, this is hard but I'm here." He will cheer me on everytime through the good, the bad, and the insane. He has my back.

Today let's just live free. Embrace the life we have. Work for something better if you want but know that life is just life and He loves you no matter what.

Walking this journey with you,
Regina 💖

And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age
Matthew 28:20b

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